Friday, October 18, 2013

It Does Get Better

They always say when you love some one you you should let them and if its meant to be well then they'd find their way back into your life, but how true is that? My philosophy is this:  "When you love someone, fight for what you feel. But if the one you love, loves someone else, LET GO. Be like a soldier, know when to fight and when to surrender." Everything has a way of working it's self out and I strongly believe that if it's meant to be it will be just don't do anything outrageous. Not everyone that comes in your life is meant to stay no matter how in love they say they are with you or how in love you think you are with them. Some are just here to teach us all a lesson about ourselves and show us how strong we can be when they break our hearts... Sometimes we need a broken heart, sometimes we need to fall for jerks, bitches and douche bags and sometimes they need to treat us like crap so that we'll know how to appreciate out Prince Charming and Princesses when they finally come along. Life has a lot of lessons that it wants to teach us and I admit, those lesson aren't always fun and they don't always leave us smiling... Some of them send us spiraling into depression, have us up all hours of the night crying into our pillows and wishing we were dead cause the pain of a broken heart is just too much to take. We've all had to go through it at one point in our lives or the other. Everybody knows what pain feels like, we've all had our hearts broken by the one person we never thought in a million years would hurt us. It's a natural  part of life. Without sadness there can be no joy, without tears, there can be no laughter, these things work together as one and we need to experience the bad to fully appreciate the good that life has to offer and that my friend is what you call the #YingYangEffect... everything in this world exists with its opposite, so if you find yourself crying for a week straight, look forward to a week of pure happiness and laughter... Pain isn't forever.

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